I.. I.. ipad, phone etc

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I.. I.. ipad, phone etc

Consultant Accounts
Published by Nigel in Development · Saturday 12 May 2012 ·  1:00
Tags: iphonefriendly

In a world, where for us techies, things seem to be even more conveluted, having to check that everything works with everything else can become a bit of a chore. It could mean that you have to rewrite your work over and over again when the next gadget comes along. Or that's what you'd expect. In a sence it means the desire to be different is possible, but not without its consequenses. It with this in mind I has spent an afternoon hopefullt making the www.conaccounts.com site more 'i' frendly. it wasnt bad, but the videos wouldn't play and it would crash out the site. Now, as long as the correct icon is selected, the video help should open in the YouTube app. see if it works for you...   If you find a problem, please let me know. :-) ttfn

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